

The New Aurora Apts Studios accommodation, respecting the safety and protection of its customers, as well as its staff, has fully complied with the provisions of the current Greek legislation against the spread of the COVID-19 pandemic and has proceeded with the following actions:

  • Appointed a responsible coordinator and administrator to oversee the implementation of the necessary health protocols. The training has been implemented by the Medical School of the University of Crete, within the framework of an educational program of the Training and Lifelong Learning Center of the University of Crete, as defined by law.
  • It is certified with the ‚Health First‘ mark by the competent services of the Greek Ministry of Health, as it has proceeded with the valid training of the staff regarding the observance of the health protocols.
  • It has also taken care of the adequate supply of personal protective equipment for customers and employees such as masks, gloves, antiseptics.
  • Medical Kit has been purchased (special uniforms, laser thermometer, masks, gloves, antiseptics).
  • It has taken care of the strengthening of the cleaning services of the common areas and of the objects of ‚high risk‘, tables, armchairs, sunbeds, etc. with regular disinfection of surfaces.

In rooms, disinfection with 0.1% sodium hypochlorite and 0.5% hydrogen peroxide is especially applied. Finally, sterilize with a UV lamp. The remote controls (TV, satellite, air conditioning) have been placed inside protective covers. Additional bedding, pillows, have been placed in individual nylon packages and have been sealed so that they do not come into contact if their use by customers is not necessary. Daily cleaning, and change of towels, and bedding will be done only with a written request or electronic form and if the customer wishes. You will deliver a special bag with the clean linen (towels, sheets, pillowcases) and then in the same bag he will return the ones to be washed.

  • It has adapted the services of check in / check out, 11: 00/15: 00, but also the possibility of electronic payment of accommodation expenses, the electronic sending of accounts, invoices, etc. To minimize direct customer contact with staff where possible. There is a special form for filling in personal information upon your arrival (GDPR), to reduce the time spent in the reception. The form as well as many other information can be sent electronically on our website.
  • Disinfection of key cards and keys in a special container with disinfectant.
  • It has adapted the socket and the rest of the common areas so that the necessary distances between the customers are observed and antiseptic devices have been installed, as well as the appropriate marking.




After you fill the forms, please send it at: info@newaurora.gr


declaration of conformity FROM THE GREEK STATE

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If a guest or hotel employee shows symptoms compatible with COVID-19 infection, the following applies:
• The doctor with whom the tourist accommodation cooperates for the evaluation of the incident is called.
• If the patient is in urgent need of hospitalization, presents a severe clinical picture, is referred to the relevant health unit, as a suspected case of COVID-19. If it is not possible to manage a COVID-19 case from the health infrastructure of the area, there must be a provision for transporting the patient (ambulance, air transport) to the nearest health unit where he can manage it.
• If the patient has a mild clinical picture, a sample is taken from the doctor for COVID laboratory confirmation.
• If the incident is assessed as a possible COVID-19 by the examining physician, the hotel health officer communicates IMMEDIATELY with the E.O.D.Y. at 210 5212054 or the special four-digit number 1135 (24 hours a day), for a statement of the suspected case and instructions for dealing with it.
• The patient with a mild clinical picture remains in his room until the results of the laboratory test are announced.
During the above waiting period, the entry of staff into the patient’s room is avoided, if there is no significant reason. If necessary, a staff member of the accommodation is advised to deal exclusively with the possible case.
• If confirmed as a case of COVID, it is transferred to the special quarantine hotel if it has a mild clinical picture (see Confirmation of Confirmed Case COVID-19. Outside the Hospital) and is treated as a confirmed case of COVID-19 outside the hospital or will be transferred to a hospital. patients with COVID-19 if they need treatment. If not confirmed as a COVID-19 case, it is treated at the hotel with the instructions of the attending physician.
• The patient is transported by Personal Protective Equipment by private means of transport.
If there is a companion of the patient who wishes to stay close to him to take care of him (eg spouse), he should be given a simple surgical mask and advised to wash his hands every time he comes in contact with secretions. of the patient (eg saliva) and definitely before the attendant touches his face or eats or drinks.
• The contact details of the patient’s relative should always be recorded in case consent is required for operations where the patient cannot communicate.
• Used protective equipment (simple disposable surgical mask, gloves) should be discarded in a bucket and never used again.
After disposing of protective equipment, hands should be thoroughly washed with soap and water. It is emphasized that the use of gloves does not replace hand washing, which is a very important means of prevention.

A person who has had direct physical contact with a patient with COVID-19 (e.g. handshake)
• A person with unprotected contact with infectious secretions patient with COVID-19
• A person who has had contact with a person in the same room as the suspect
• A person who has had „face-to-face“ contact with a patient with COVID-19 at a distance <2 meters and for ≥ 15 minutes
• A person who remained indoors with a patient with COVID-19 at a distance <2 meters and for ≥ 15 minutes
• A passenger on the same aircraft, who was sitting at a distance of two rows of seats (in each direction) from the patient with COVID-19 infection, people traveling together or caring for the patient and crew members who served the specific part of the aircraft where he was sitting. patient.

If a visitor or hotel employee is assessed as having close contact with a confirmed COVID-19 case, the following are recommended:
• Isolation in a tourist accommodation designated as a hotel / quarantine area in the area.
• Feeding in the room and the person in isolation not to use the common areas of the hotel.
• Hotel staff should avoid entering the room if there is no significant reason.
• When entering the room, it is recommended to use a simple surgical mask and gloves.
• When leaving the room, the used gloves and mask are discarded and hand hygiene follows.
• It is recommended that care be taken so that a limited number of staff can come in contact with the person in quarantine as much as possible.

PHARMACY Vougioukli Christina
Address: Koutsounari Agiou Ioannou Ierapetra, Epar. 126 Agiou Ioanni Street, Koutsounari
Telephone: 2842061510
3 minutes (3.2 km.) Head west on the Provincial Road Ierapetra – Sitia. Turn right on Agios Ioannis Provincial Road. Your destination will be on your right.


Address: Ierapetra – Sitia Provincial Road, Koutsounari
Telephone: 2842024600
3 minutes (2.7 km.) Head west on the Provincial Road Ierapetra – Sitia. Your destination will be on your right


Address: Kalimeraki 6, Ierapetra
Telephone: 2842340222
15 minutes (12.6 km) head west on the Provincial Road Ierapetra – Sitia.

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